


Crystal Bretschger is an Illustrator & Graphic Designer that currently lives and works in the St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood of Toronto. Originally a New Yorker, now a Toronto transplant she finds much pleasure in exploring her new surroundings.  She graduated from Parsons School of Design in 2005 with Honours from the Illustration Department.  Since then she has travelled the world on the coat tails of her husband's sailing career.  Because of this, she has been able to hold shows in New York, Buenos Aires, Auckland, and her new home, Toronto.  Her illustrations have adorned magazine covers, cds, stationary, brochures and websites.  Crystal finds inspiration in meandering walks, experimental printmaking, photographing the mundane, world music, good food, visiting galleries and seeing new artists work.  Her current influences include but are not limited to: Camilla Engman, Jordin Isip, George Bates, Joseph Hart, Andy Kehoe and AJ Fosik.  Her local list of favourites, which is constantly expanding, includes Jeff Garcia, Fiona Smyth, Deadweight, Nate Duval and Michael Deforge.

© 2009 Crystal Bretschger